Today, in an article entitled “The Hard Thing” (I kid you not), author David Foster Wallace is calling on readers to stop trying to be a better person. In other words, don’t make a big deal out of “doing the right thing.” Don’t try to be better than others. Don’t try to do “the hard thing,” whatever that is. Don’t waste your time trying to be a good person. In short: do the hard thing. Your life will thank you for it.

The world of fitness is filled with obstacle courses, circuit training, and balls to the wall workouts. There are countless reasons to do these things, but the result is always the same: sore muscles, sweat on your brow, and injury. If you’re willing to push yourself beyond the pain, you’ll witness a transformation. It may not happen overnight, but you’ll be able to see it and feel it.

In an era of instant answers and quick fixes, very few of us are willing to take the time to grow and learn. Why should we? We live in an age where our appetite is sated with information at the touch of a button. The world is more than just a button away. And yet, there is a value and benefit in taking a step back and figuring out what “the hard thing” is in our lives, before we go down the path that will lead us away from what is good.

Do the difficult thing.

This is the leftovers from last night’s dinner. Which, now that I think about it, looks a lot like Mickey Mouse’s head.

It doesn’t have anything exceptional about it. Except for the fact that I leaned towards the difficult situation.

I discovered I hadn’t prepared dinner till the end of my workday. I was exhausted and stressed, and the last thing I wanted to do when I came home was cook. It looked more appealing to take off my shoes and watch Cobra Kai (all the puns intended).

It would have been simple to place an order. I’ll make a pit stop on my way home to get something. Alternatively, eat Peanut Butter straight from the jar and call it a wrap.

Rather, I returned home. My shoes were still kicking off. Cobra Kai was still turned on. However, I microwaved a frozen bag of asparagus and took some protein from a rotisserie chicken. I threw it in a pan with some salt and spice that I had on hand.

I could have ordered or picked up something more delectable, but this sufficed. I took a chance on the difficult task, and I’m pleased I did.

When it comes to making changes, developing new habits, and establishing your own identity, you’ll have to do the difficult things from time to time. Not always enjoyable, practical, or delectable.

However, it is far more gratifying.

When was the last time you did something difficult? Is there anything coming up where you could take up this task if it’s been a while?

Do the difficult thing. You will not be sorry.

PS: I’m not in the picture. I ate the two gummy bears after the dinner since I was craving something sweet.

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People who want to start an exercise routine usually start out easy, making it easier to feel motivated to get up and move around. However, this can cause them to plateau and miss opportunities to be more active on a regular basis. When this happens, people tend to give up, leading to a vicious cycle.. Read more about do something today that you will be proud of tomorrow and let us know what you think.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • do something today that your future self will thank you for meaning
  • do something today that your future self will be proud of
  • do something today that your future self will thank you for sean patrick flanery
  • do something today that your future self will thank you for poster
  • do something today that your future self will thank you for quote
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